Data Plan
Basic Sleep Analysis
The Basic Sleep Analysis feature allows you to review the following sleep data:
Data Name | Definition |
sleep_stages | A list of numbers, indicating sleep stages during time_in_bed (0: Wake / 1: Sleep) |
start_time | Exact time at which the tracking started |
end_time | Exact time at which the tracking ended. |
time_in_bed | The time duration between the start and the end of tracking |
sleep_time | Exact time at which ‘Sleep’ was first detected since the tracking started |
wake_time | Exact time at which the last 'Wake' period was detected during tracking. No sleep will be detected after wake_time |
time_in_sleep_period | The time duration between the onset of ‘Sleep’ and the start of the last ‘Wake’ during tracking |
sleep_latency | The time duration between the start of tracking and the detection of first 'Sleep' |
wakeup_latency | The time duration between the start of the last 'Wake' and the end of tracking |
time_in_sleep | The actual time spent sleeping. It is the time duration calculated after subtracting all ‘Wake’ time from time_in_bed |
sleep_efficiency | The ratio of time_in_sleep to time_in_bed |
waso_count | The number of ‘Wake’ detected during time_in_sleep_period |
longest_waso | The longest time duration of ‘Wake’ during time_in_sleep_period |
time_in_wake | The sum of all ‘Wake’ seconds detected during time_in_sleep_period |
sleep_ratio | Ratio of time_in_sleep to time_in_sleep_period |
wake_ratio | Ratio of time_in_wake to time_in_sleep_period |
sleep_index | The metric that comprehensively represents sleep quality, defined by learning from the distribution of sleep data |
4 Sleep Stages Analysis
The Advanced (4-Stage) Sleep Analysis feature allows you to additionally review the following sleep data in addition to the basic sleep analysis data:
Data Name | Definition |
sleep_stages | A list of numbers, indicating sleep stages during time_in_bed (0: Wake / 1: Light / 2: Deep / 3: REM) |
time_in_light | The sum of all ‘Light’ seconds detected during time_in_sleep_period |
time_in_deep | The sum of all ‘Deep’ seconds detected during time_in_sleep_period |
time_in_rem | The sum of all ‘REM’ seconds detected during time_in_sleep_period |
light_ratio | Ratio of time_in_light to time_in_sleep_period |
deep_ratio | Ratio of time_in_deep to time_in_sleep_period |
rem_ratio | Ratio of time_in_rem to time_in_sleep_period |
light_latency | The time duration between sleep_time to the first detection of ‘Light’ (Normally, '0' as light sleep is the first sleep stage to be detected) |
deep_latency | The time duration between sleep_time to the first detection of ‘Deep’ |
rem_latency | The time duration between sleep_time to the first detection of ‘REM’ |
sleep_cycle | The average time duration of sleep cycles. Each sleep cycle is consisted of both 'REM' and 'Non-REM' sleep. |
sleep_cycle_count | The number of sleep cycles detected during the time_in_sleep_period |
sleep_cycle_time | A list of the exact start and end times of each sleep cycle |
Snoring Analysis
The Snoring Analysis feature allows you to review the following sleep data
Data Name | Definition |
snoring_stages | A list of snoring stages during the time_in_bed (0: no snoring / 1: snoring) |
time_in_snoring | The time duration, of which snoring is detected during time_in_sleep_period |
time_in_no_snoring | The time duration, of which no snoring is detected during time_in_sleep_period |
snoring_ratio | The ratio of time_in_snoring to time_in_sleep_period |
no_snoring_ratio | The ratio of time_in_no_snoring to time_in_sleep_period |
snoring_count | The number of times snoring is detected during the time_in_sleep_period |
Realtime Sleep Analysis
By utilizing the Realtime Sleep Analysis feature, you can monitor the following data in real-time:
Data Name | Definition |
sleep_stages | A list of numbers, indicating sleep stages during time_in_bed |
snoring_stages | A list of snoring stages during the time_in_bed (0: no snoring / 1: snoring) |
Updated 28 days ago