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[GET] Get Session

Request sleep analysis data for a specific session.



GET https://api.asleep.ai/data/v3/sessions/{session_id}


x-api-keyStringO-API Key
x-user-idStringO-Issued user id
timezoneStringXUTCChange the timezone of the analysis results to the corresponding timezone and return
UTC, Asia/Seoul

Path parameter

session_idStringOid of the session in which you want to request data


curl "https://api.asleep.ai/data/v3/sessions/{session_id}" -XGET \
  -H "x-api-key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
  -H "x-user-id: <USER_ID>"


200 OK

  • Session details lookup success
    "detail": "OK",
    "result": {
        "timezone": "UTC",
        "peculiarities": ["NO_BREATHING_STABILITY"],
        "missing_data_ratio": 0.0,
        "session": {
            "id": "20250115025029_fvivn",
            "state": "COMPLETE",
            "start_time": "2025-01-15T02:50:29+00:00",
            "end_time": "2025-01-15T03:50:29+00:00",
            "unexpected_end_time": null,
            "created_timezone": "UTC",
            "sleep_stages": [0], //omitted
            "breath_stages": null,
            "snoring_stages": [0] // omitted
        "stat": {
            "sleep_time": "2025-01-15T03:05:29+00:00",
            "wake_time": "2025-01-15T03:26:29+00:00",
            "sleep_index": 50,
            "sleep_latency": 900,
            "wakeup_latency": 1440,
            "light_latency": 0,
            "deep_latency": null,
            "rem_latency": null,
            "time_in_bed": 3600,
            "time_in_sleep_period": 1260,
            "time_in_sleep": 1080,
            "time_in_wake": 180,
            "time_in_light": 1080,
            "time_in_deep": 0,
            "time_in_rem": 0,
            "time_in_stable_breath": null,
            "time_in_unstable_breath": null,
            "time_in_snoring": 0,
            "time_in_no_snoring": 1260,
            "sleep_efficiency": 0.3,
            "sleep_ratio": 0.86,
            "wake_ratio": 0.14,
            "light_ratio": 0.86,
            "deep_ratio": 0.0,
            "rem_ratio": 0.0,
            "stable_breath_ratio": null,
            "unstable_breath_ratio": null,
            "snoring_ratio": 0.0,
            "no_snoring_ratio": 1.0,
            "breathing_index": null,
            "breathing_pattern": null,
            "waso_count": 1,
            "longest_waso": 180,
            "sleep_cycle_count": 0,
            "sleep_cycle": null,
            "sleep_cycle_time": [],
            "unstable_breath_count": null,
            "snoring_count": 0

Body (result field)

The nullability of the stat object is determined based on the session status and contract conditions.

  • Invalid session:

    • All other sessions where sleep analysis has been conducted are considered valid sessions.
  • stat object is null if:

timezoneStringTimezone (Timezone List)
peculiaritiesListA field for describing any specific details or peculiarities of the sleep session. This field can include multiple labels below.

IN_PROGRESS: If the session is OPEN, CLOSED
NEVER_SLEPT: If it is determined that there was no sleep at all during the session measurement time
TOO_SHORT_FOR_ANALYSIS: When the measurement time is too short to conduct a valid analysis (currently less than 20 minutes)
TOO_LONG_FOR_ANALYSIS: Analysis has been conducted successfully, but the session measurement time is excessively long, making it difficult to trust (currently exceeding 24 hours)
TOO_MANY_DEFECTS_IN_SLEEP_STAGES: When the error rate is high due to factors like missing audio uploads, resulting in insufficient sleep analysis results.
NO_BREATHING_STABILITY: When the customer's contract conditions do not support breathing stability analysis.
NO_REALTIME_POLLING: When, according to the customer's contract, real-time access to sleep information is not available.
missing_data_ratiofloat(0~1 range, decimal points)The error rate in sleep analysis results due to reasons such as missing audio uploads
sessionSession ObjectSession Report Information
statStat Object?Session Report Information

Session Object

  • if state == OPEN: session_end_time is null
idStringsession id
stateString (OPEN,CLOSED,COMPLETE)Status of Session
OPEN: An in-progress session, with audio uploads available
CLOSED: The session terminated by sending an end session request. Unable to upload audio files. Analysis of uploaded sleep audio is still in progress
COMPLETE: All sleep analysis completed after the end of the session
start_timeString (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-hh:mm)Session start time
Example) 2022-08-01T01:31: 17+09: 00 (If the request timezone is Asia/Seoul)
end_timeString (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-hh:mm)?Session end time
Example) 2022-08-01T01:31: 17+09: 00 (If the request timezone is Asia/Seoul)
unexpected_end_timeString (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-hh:mm)?If a session fails to proceed and terminate properly due to app crashes or similar issues, and the client later ends the session with an unexpected parameter set to 1, the time at which this happens is recorded. In this case, the "end_time" is calculated based on the sequence number of the last uploaded audio file. Therefore, if "end_time" is not null, it indicates an abnormal session.
created_timezoneStringTimezone of session creation (Timezone List)
sleep_stages[Sleep Stages]?Sleep Stages List
snoring_stages[Snoring Stages]?Snoring Stages List

Sleep Stages

sleep stage is-1,0,1,2,3 It is represented by an integer of one, and the number one represents the sleep stage of the 30-second interval. The meaning of each number is shown in the table below.

  • 0(wake), 1(sleep) if you use 2-stage analysis
numbersleep stage
-1error (invalid audio, analysis error, etc)
1light sleep
2deep sleep
3REM sleep

Snoring Stages

snoring stage is-1,0,1 It is represented by an integer of one, and the number one represents the snoring stage of the 30-second interval. The meaning of each number is shown in the table below.

numbersnoring stage
-1error (invalid audio, analysis error, etc)
0no snoring

Stat Object

For each metric detail, please see Key Concepts

  • if state == COMPLETE
    • If you use 2-stage analysis: only presents wake and sleep information: time_in_rem, time_in_light, time_in_deep, rem_ratio, light_ratio, deep_ratio, light_latency, deep_latency, rem_latency is null
    • if peculiarities == NEVER_SLEPT: didn't sleep: sleep_latency, sleep_time, wakeup_latency, wake_time, wake_ratio, sleep_ratio, rem_ratio, light_ratio, deep_ratio, light_latency, deep_latency, rem_latency, sleep_cycle, longest_waso, sleep_index is null
  • Newly added metrics do not support data from previous sessions. You can check the time when metrics were added at https://docs.asleep.ai/changelog.
sleep_timeString (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-hh:mm)?The time it takes to fall asleep after the start of sleep staging2022-08-01T00:30:00+09:00
wake_timeString (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-hh:mm)?Wake time 2022-08-01T07:30:00+09:00
sleep_indexInt(50 <= sleep_index <= 100)?(Beta) Test Operation Sleep Data87
sleep_latencyInt (seconds)?Time to fall asleep1800
wakeup_latencyInt (seconds)?The time it takes to wake up and end your sleep measurement1800
light_latencyInt(seconds)?The time it takes to the first Light after the start of sleep.
deep_latencyInt(seconds)?The time it takes to the first Deep after the start of sleep.
rem_latencyInt(seconds)?The time it takes to the first REM after the start of sleep.
time_in_bedInt (seconds)The time from the start of the sleep measurement to the end of the sleep measurement28800
time_in_sleep_periodInt (seconds)During sleep measurement time, excluding the time it took from the start of the sleep measurement to fall asleep and the time it took from the wake to the end of the sleep measurement
(time_in_bed - sleep_latency - wakeup_latency)
time_in_sleepInt (seconds)During sleep measurement time, the time you were actually sleeping
This time is divided into three stages: deep,light,and rem
time_in_wakeInt (seconds)Wake time during sleep2700
time_in_lightInt (seconds)?Total time the sleep phase progressed to light5400
time_in_deepInt (seconds)?Total time the sleep phase progressed to deep5400
time_in_remInt (seconds)?Total time the sleep phase progressed to rem13500
time_in_snoringInt?Total time of snoring5400
time_in_no_snoringInt?Total time of no snoring23400
sleep_efficiencyfloat (0~1 range, decimal points)The percentage of time you actually slept during sleep measurement0.84
sleep_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?During sleep stage, sleep ratio, not wake0.9
wake_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?Rate of waking time in the middle during sleep phase0.1
light_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?Rate of light sleep during sleep phase0.2
deep_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?Rate of deep sleep during sleep phase0.2
rem_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?rem sleep ratio0.5
snoring_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?The percentage of time during the sleep phase that there was a snoring section0.3
no_snoring_ratiofloat (0~1 range, decimal points)?The percentage of time during the sleep phase that there was no snoring.0.7
waso_countInt?The number of times 'wake' occurred during the sleep period10
longest_wasoInt(seconds)?The duration of the longest 'wake' during the sleep period300
sleep_cycle_countInt?The number of sleep cycles.4
sleep_cycleInt(seconds)?The average duration of one sleep cycle.6600
sleep_cycle_timeList of String(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-hh:mm)Transition time for sleep cycles
[First sleep cycle onset time, first sleep cycle end time, second sleep cycle end time, ..., last sleep cycle end time]
["2023-09-05T16:15:00+00:00", "2023-09-05T18:03:00+00:00", "2023-09-05T20:32:30+00:00"]
snoring_countInt?The number of times snoring occurred.

400 Bad Request

  • timezone didn't come in correctly
	"detail": "The invalid timezone is provided"
  • x-user-id: invalid format
	"detail": "The format of x-user-id is invalid"
  • session_id: invalid format
	"detail": "The format of sleep session id 20230608020315_hz82 is not valid"

404 Not Found

  • session_idif the corresponding session is not found
	"detail": "Unable to find the sleep session of id {session_id}"