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These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v3.0.

Key Concepts

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ User

User is defined as a specific person you’d like to record sleep. You can use the SDKΒ or API to generate a user uuid that you want to record your sleep. This allows you to manage sleep sessions on a per-user basis.

πŸ›Œ Sleep Session

A sleep session is a concept that corresponds to one’s sleep(lying in bed until waking up). You can create a sleep session for a specific user, upload the data you want to analyze, and end the session.

The session has a total of three states: OPEN, CLOSED, and COMPLETE.

  • OPEN: Session has been created and audio data can be uploaded for analysis
  • CLOSED: No more audio can be uploaded at the end of the session, waiting for the analysis to complete
  • COMPLETE: All analysis is completed

πŸ“‡ Mel Spectrogram

Audio data measured on a smartphone or smart device is converted to the form of a Mel spectrogram through the SDK's preprocessing algorithm and sent to the server.

Mel Spectrogram

Mel Spectrogram

πŸ“Š Data Metrics

Asleep Data Visualization

Asleep Data Visualization

No.Data NameDefinitionTypeValueExample
1start_timeWhen sleep measurement beganstringYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2022-08-01T00:00:00+09:00
2end_timeWhen the sleep measurement endedstringYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2022-08-01T08:00:17+09:00
3sleep_timeThe time you started falling asleepstringYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2022-08-01T00:30:00+09:00
4wake_timetime you woke upstringYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss2022-08-01T07:30:00+09:00
5sleep_latencyThe time it takes to fall asleep after the start of sleep measurementintseconds1800
6wakeup_latencyThe time it takes to wake up and end your sleep measurementintseconds1800
7sleep_efficiencyThe percentage of time you actually slept during sleep measurementfloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.84
8time_in_bedThe time from the start of the sleep measurement to the end of the sleep measurementintseconds28800
9time_in_sleep_periodDuring sleep measurement time, excluding the time it took from the start of the sleep measurement to fall asleep and the time it took from the wake to the end of the sleep measurement(time_in_bed-sleep_latency-wakeup_latency)intseconds27000
10time_in_sleepDuring sleep measurement time, the time you were actually sleeping is divided into three stages: deep, light, and remintseconds24300
11time_in_wakeWake during sleepintseconds2700
12time_in_remTotal time the sleep stage progressed to REMintseconds13500
13time_in_lightTotal time the sleep stage progressed to Lightintseconds5400
14time_in_deepTotal time the sleep stage progressed to Deepintseconds5400
15sleep_ratioThe percentage of time you sleep without waking up during the sleep stagefloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.9
16wake_ratioRate of wake in the middle during sleep stagefloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.1
17rem_ratioRate of REM sleep during sleep stagefloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.5
18light_ratioRate of Light sleep during sleep stagefloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.2
19deep_ratioRate of deep sleep during sleep stagefloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.2
20time_in_unstable_breathTotal time of breath instabilityintseconds2700
21time_in_stable_breathTotal time in the breathing stable sectionintseconds24300
22unstable_breath_ratioThe percentage of time during the sleep stage that there was a breathing instability sectionfloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.1
23stable_breath_ratioThe percentage of time that was a breathing stable section during the sleep stagefloat0 or greater than 0; 1 or less than 10.9
24estimated_ahiValues for determining respiratory instability levelsfloat29.71
25breathing_patternStages of breathing stabilitystringenum
26sleep_stagesList of sleep stagesint<2 stages>
- -1: error
- 0: wake
- 1: sleep

<4 stages>
- -1: error
- 0: wake
- 1: light sleep
- 2: deep sleep
- 3: REM sleep
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
27osa_stagesList of breathing stabilityint-1: error
- 0: stable
- 1: unstable
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


Medical Device Regulation Notice

Using terms like sleep apnea, apnea, hypopnea, AHI, on service and marketing materials could violate medical device regulations. To ensure compliance, we label it as 'Breathing Stability' at Asleep products.