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Asleep Update (23.11.21)



  • Dashboard User Page: Addition of 9 new graphs, inclusion of average sleep data, enhanced usability of session list.
  • Dashboard Session Page: Addition of Sleep Data Table data.
  • Introduction about Sleep: Major content update.

Hello, this is Asleep.

We are pleased to inform you about our latest update, which includes various enhancements and modifications, including the addition of 9 new graphs on the Dashboard User page, the addition of average sleep data, improvements to the session list usability, the inclusion of Sleep Data Table data on the Dashboard Session page, and finally, a major update to the content of the Introduction about Sleep document. For more details, please see below!

✨ New & Updated


1. User Page - New Sleep Reports Added!

9 sleep reports have been newly added to the user page! (1 improved, 8 new)

Explore the changes in user sleep more finely and intuitively with a variety of sleep indicators and graphs!

[Improved Graph]

  1. Sleep Duration
    1. Addition of time_in_wake value

[New Graphs]

  1. Wake Up Latency
  2. Longest WASO
  3. WASO Count
  4. Sleep Stage Latency
  5. Sleep Cycle
  6. Sleep Cycle Count
  7. Breathing Index
  8. Unstable Breath Count

2. User Page - Average Sleep Indicators Added!

2 new data points have been added to the Average section of the user page, showing the average of important sleep indicators!

[New Data]

  1. WASO count
  2. Unstable breath count

3. User Page - Improved Session List Usability

The usability of the Session Information section, which guides the sessions being viewed on the user page, has been improved.

  • Before:
    • Only the number of Slept sessions shown in Sleep Reports within the query period was guided, and Never Slept and Invalid sessions were not included in the tally.
    • Never Slept and Invalid sessions could not be checked on the session list page moved by clicking the number.
  • After:
    • Total now guides the number of all Completed sessions within the query period, and you can also check the number of Valid/Invalid sessions.
    • You can check all Completed sessions within the period on the session list page moved by clicking the number.

4. Session Page - Added Sleep Data Table Data!

Two new sleep data points have been added to the Sleep Data Table.

[New Data]

  1. [Beta] Sleep cycle time: A list enumerating the start and end times of each sleep cycle.
  2. [Beta] Sleep index: Data currently under test operation.

🔹User Guide

1. Major Update to 'Introduction about Sleep' Document!

The Sleep Basics Knowledge document, covering the basic concepts and theoretical content of sleep, has been significantly updated.

Now, you can explore more in-depth information and basic knowledge about sleep!

[Update Contents]

  1. Non-REM vs. REM
  2. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
  3. Potential functions of sleep
  4. Sleep hygiene
  5. Polysomnogram

If you need further explanations on any part of the document or have any inquiries about Asleep, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to continuously striving for your convenience as we move forward as Asleep.

For technical/development inquiries: contact [email protected] or post your questions on [Q&A page]

For business/partnership inquiries: Ask Asleep Business Experts

Thank you.