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Asleep Update (23.09.26)



Document Update: Opening of additional English Developer Docs, Explanations of API versioning

Hello, this is Asleep.

We are pleased to inform you about our latest update, which includes the opening of additional English Developer Docs and explanations of API versioning. For more details, please see below!

✨ New & Updated


1. Added - Opening of Additional English Developer Documents

As of September 26, 2023, all the documents in the Asleep API, previously not available in English, have been released. The newly released pages are as follows:

  1. API Basics
  2. Get User
  3. Delete User
  4. Manage Session with SDK
  5. Delete Single Session Data
  6. Delete All Session Data
  7. List Multiple Sessions

2. Added - Explanation of API Versioning

Explanations regarding the versioning of the Asleep API and Callback have been added.

If you need further explanations on any part of the document or have any inquiries about Asleep, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to continuously striving for your convenience as we move forward as Asleep.

For technical/development inquiries: contact [email protected] or post your questions on [Q&A page]

For business/partnership inquiries: Ask Asleep Business Experts

Thank you.